Ahh! Books and wintertime! Cozy fires, hot tea and a comfy sofa. Time to sit back, relax and do some homework ; )
I’ve been thinking about our year to come and the many more after, and if theres one thing I enjoy greatly about gardening and growing food it’s the constant learning and evolving that comes from it, yet it seems to be with this learning each year its a new thing I’m challenged with and this year it was composting, so off I went to the library to get my hands on some good composting books. Found myself perusing through the aisles and picking up more and more books, after some juggling I narrowed it down to “The organic book of compost” by Pauline Pears, “Gaia’s Garden” by Toby Hemengway and “Vegetable gardening in the pacific northwest” by Lorene Forkner. Somethings I find crucial for myself when picking out a good book is simplicity, lots of photos and diagrams, and of course a good flow. All three of these books have those qualities.
Here’s a little sneak peak into the books:
“The organic book of compost”
“Gaia’s Garden”
“Vegetable Gardening in the pacific northwest”
*Stay tuned for my thoughts on these books*