Our vegetable delivery box is designed to give you access to fresh, organic cariboo-grown, nutrient dense produce while deepening your relationship to the farm & farmers. We want our farm to become YOUR Farm

How it works
You receive a weekly box full of delicious vegetables delivered right to your doorstep from Forest Grove to the 108 and 100 Mile House areas. The program runs for 10 weeks from early June to mid-August and the exact contents of each box are a surprise, depending on what is in season at the time!
Structured as CSA, you pre-pay up front for your full share. This influx of cash helps pay for the seeds we sow and the early work required on our farm before we have any harvestable products. Your investment directly supports local farming and food security in 100 Mile House.
Throughout the season, we provide recipes to help you enjoy the food, a weekly newsletter to keep you updated on our farming season and a private facebook group where our CSA members can share with other community members in the program. As well, we extend members the option to add bulk orders of tomatoes, greens, potatoes, and squash to their delivery.
What’s in each box?
Our vegetable boxes are great for 3+ people. The boxes are made up of 6-10 different types of vegetables per week with about a meal’s worth of each vegetable. We often like to theme our boxes with a certain menu in mind. This previous year, we made up a “Salsa Box,” a “Roasting Box”, a “Fresh Greens Box”, among many more.
We find that the amount of food is perfect for families with young children who cook a few nights per week or for singles and couples who eat a lot of vegetables. Within the first few boxes, you’ll learn how the share fits into your weekly grocery plan.

Here’s what you might expect to be in season for June/July:
Arugula / Bok Choy / Snap Peas / Radish / Romaine Lettuce / Curly Kale / Swiss Chard / Dill / Cilantro / Broccoli / Cauliflower/ Carrots / Spinach / Bunching Onions / Fingerling Potatoes / Spring Lettuce Mix
Here’s what you might expect to be in season for July/August:
Cucumber / Garlic Scapes / Zucchini / Tomatoes / Carrots / Beets / Radish / Cauliflower / Broccoli / Bunching Onions / Fresh Garlic / Young Potatoes / Basil / Dill / Cilantro / Romaine Lettuce / Head Lettuce / Spinach / Lettuce Mix / Green Cabbage / Snap Peas / Peppers (Bell, Jalapeno)
Here’s what you might expect to be in season for September/October:
Winter Squash (Spaghetti, Delicata, Acorn, Butternut) / Curly Kale / Swiss Chard / Spinach / Lettuce Mix / Green Cabbage / Tomatoes / Dill / Cilantro / Carrots / Beets Radish / Brussel Sprouts / Potatoes / Storage Garlic
What is a CSA?
A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a mutual commitment between food growers and their community of food eaters/customers (aka. you!)
In purchasing a share of the harvest before the growing season begins, the community shareholder provides farmers with much needed and appreciated finances at the leanest and most expensive stage of the growing season (spring). In return, the shareholder will have secured a portion of food from the local harvest and will have contributed to the stability of their local food market.
Supporting our growing efforts at the onset of the season greatly enables us to grow and harvest more effectively during the entire season and we sure are grateful for this.